Welcome to Peace River
Citrus Products

Peace River Citrus Products is an independent and privately owned, Florida-based citrus processor offering a range of citrus products and services. Peace River supplies juices and by-products to major national brands as well as private label producers. Peace River is committed to producing the highest quality citrus products and supporting our valued customers with impeccable and reliable service.
Your Reliable Juice Supply Partner
Over the past 25 years, Peace River’s business has steadily and successfully expanded to become one of the largest processors in Florida. Peace River runs more grapefruit than any processor in the world and it processes a significant share of Florida’s orange and mandarin crops.
Modern and Efficient Facilities with
Global Reach
Peace River’s processing plants are modern, efficient and are strategically complementary, allowing Peace River the flexibility to concurrently process multiple varieties of fruit into either concentrate or not from concentrate while maximizing by-product recoveries.
Proven Stability and Longevity
When citrus veteran Bill Becker founded Peace River in 1991, there were four times the number of citrus processing plants in Florida compared to today. Peace River, with a large committed supply of fruit for processing and superior facilities, has continued to expand its operations. With its committed ownership group, capable team and strong balance sheet, Peace River has the financial stability and commitment that make it an ideal long-term juice supply partner.
Peace River processes orange and grapefruit varieties into concentrate and not from concentrate juice and recovers a full range of citrus by-products.
- Orange Juice Concentrate
- Grapefruit Concentrate
- Orange Pulp Cells
- Grapefruit Pulp Cells
- Citrus Oils & Essences
- Citrus Feed
- Citrus Molasses
- Citrus d-Limonene
- Package Goods for Retail
- Package Goods for Food Service
All of Peace River’s products are Kosher certified and inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA has an office in each of the plant’s premises.
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